Lifeline IT Office in Peterborough

T: +44 (0)20 8238 7838          E: [email protected]

Trinity Court, Trinity Street, Peterborough, PE1 1DA
Lifeline IT Office in Peterborough - view of Peterborough Cathedral


Peterborough is well known for its strong technology links and close proximity to the Capital – it’s just 45 minutes by train to central London. It is one of the fastest growing and best-connected cities, with a high employment rate and excellent transport links.

Peterborough is internationally recognised as a leading environmental city and its population is set to increase by more than 17% by 2040. It is currently undergoing a £1billion city centre regeneration, which includes a new state-of-the-art University riverside luxury apartments, hotel and modern offices spaces.

Lifeline IT opened its regional office here in 2021 as part of its overall drive to expand the business.

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Ask a Question & Contact Us


You’ll find the 7 questions (non technical) that we get asked the most below.

I'm not a client of Lifeline IT but can you still help me?

We work with clients on a long-term basis to help their organisation develop. So to be true to this, all our effort goes into retained clients and we do not offer ad hoc or quick fixes to anyone else.

How far do you reach geographically?

Our IT support services cover businesses across London and in the UK. We’ve also expanded into Europe with the launch of a new office in Amsterdam.

Are you experts in every kind of office technology?

Our engineers have a high level of IT knowledge and particular specialisms on top. They also work as a team, and share knowledge and experiences. So, there’s not much we cannot handle.

We’re Mac based, can you work with us?

We have quite a bit of experience of Macs and Mac servers. They are especially popular with design agencies. We’re also fans of the technology. In fact, two of our Directors use MacBooks as their main computer.

Do you support printers, scanners etc?

Yes, in fact we will help you with just about any IT equipment or software. That’s what we mean by IT support without boundaries. Neither do we require items to be specified in a contract before we will support them.

Will I be charged extra for on-site visits?

No, it’s part of the service. We will come on-site regularly anyway, for maintenance visits. We are proactive in preventing problems. If something has to be dealt with in addition to these scheduled visits, there will not be any additional charge.

What are your response times?

Issues are prioritised according to how disruptive they are to a client. Once a case has been logged, the first step is for an engineer to review the situation in order to decide the best approach. This is done usually within a couple of hours. The issue is then assigned for the appropriate follow-up. Often this might mean an on-site visit is arranged. When critical issues are reported to us they are always flagged for immediate attention.